Advanced Extender Training

advanced extender training best extender bestextender extender\extender training Jul 18, 2024

Extender work is one of the few formally documented forms of male enhancement training. It's effective, can be used for corrections such as curvatures, and (with the right device) suitable for all ranges of training.

With the exception of heat, the below techniques should be considered only if one has developed sufficient mastery over the wear of the device.

If you're new to extender training, the following routine will work well for you: Best Extender Routine

Advanced extender training techniques

Angles: If you're new to extender training, angling the device outwards or even upwards is recommended. Once you've developed proficiency, you'll find that angling the device downwards will impart maximum stretch on the suspensory ligament (the main governor of penile length).

If you're new to adjusting the angle downwards, use lighter than normal levels of tension, to test.

Stripping sets:
For this method, you'd start with a relatively high level of tension, and reduce the level in intervals.

For example, you can utilize the following format for advanced Stripping sets training:

10 lbs: 5 minutes

8 lbs: 5 minutes:

6 lbs: 5 minutes

4 lbs: 5 minutes

2 lbs: 5 minutes

The rest between individual sets would be just long enough to change tension (and to inspect the penis for any anomalies).

High tension for "repetitions": This method would utilize high to very high levels of tension for sets (or because the sets are comparatively brief, referred to as "reps").

Enough tension would be used for several reps of 5 minutes or less.

Great care should be taken in ensuring you have a heavy duty wrapping arrangement for this, and penis inspections between reps should be thorough.

While not necessarily an advanced concept, keeping the penis at or slightly above body temperature while elongating can yield better results. The key is in finding a suitable method which doesn't interfere- like a heating lamp.

Don't go too far above body temperature as this can induce premature exhaustion or even burns.

Please check out the following for a great selection of discount male enhancement products!


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