Male Enhancement Q&As vol.10

basic pumping timing vibration Oct 12, 2024

Q. I have been hearing a lot about the effect of vibration on growth. Does this actually work?

A. Studies have shown that soft tissues respond to specific vibrational frequencies and duration of vibration in one of three ways: softening (flexibility), toughening, and injury.

For our purposes, we'll want to stay in the area of flexibility for the tissues of the penis, though some strength training is good for the pelvic floor.

Q. What are your thoughts on the best time of day to train male enhancement?

A. Growth hormone levels are highest upon awakening, and getting your workout out of the way first thing in the day allows one to feel a sense of accomplishment throughout the rest of the day. Make this a habit, and it could reshape the way you conduct your entire schedule!

Q. Pumping appeals to me in that it seems to do it all: length, girth, and stamina. Do you think you have to work up to hours of pumping to get huge gains?

A. There are those who pump for up to an hour or more. IMO, feasibility for enlargement pumping maxes out at 30 to 45 minutes. The only thing that justifies you progressing to this point is if you're getting satisfactory gains.

To get started with pumping, check out the following course: Get started with pumping

Please check out the following for a great selection of discount male enhancement products!


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