Male Enhancement Q&As Vol.18

affiliate programs edema edematous swelling pumping Jan 18, 2025

Q. When I pump for more than a few minutes there's a good amount of swelling. It last for about an hour and feels like there's fluid under the skin. Am I hurting myself doing this?

The post-training symptoms you describe sound like edematous swelling, which is typically a benign and temporary condition. As long as your level of edema is slight and doesn't last for more than an hour, you should be fine. You can use cohesive tape applied lightly to the area in question to speed dissipation.

Q. I've noticed there's a slight bend in my penis. It's bent at an angle, and there's a sort of lump at the bend site. What could this be, and how do I get rid of it?

Before we proceed, we need to make clear that we're not a medical service, so nothing on our site should be construed as medical advice. We highly recommend you get yourself checked out by a medical professional before considering any action.

From your description, you likely have what's known as "Peyronie's Disease". In cases where the angle of bend exceeds 30 degrees, this can make intercourse painful and can even have a shortening effect.

You may benefit from using an extender (in addition to medical treatment. Extenders have proven to be effective at combating Peyronie's- as noted in the following study: Use of penile extender device in the treatment of penile curvature as a result of Peyronie's disease. Results of a phase II prospective study

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