Male Enhancement Q&As- Youtube edition

q&a youtube Mar 12, 2025

Q. I have been making some huge changes to my penis and to my lifestyle in general thanks to "Project Baseem"! Are there any particular supplements you can recommend to me? Thank you for what you do!

You're most welcome, and thank you for your kind words!

The following videos goes into some recommended supplements in specific detail:

· Best Supplements For Sex

· Thai Supplements That Gave Me Super Powers in Bed!

· This Makes Your Semen Taste Sweet!

Q. Getting a bigger penis is all well and good, but I need to improve upon my dating skills! Is there anything you can recommend to help me in that area?

Sure! Educating yourself on the ins and outs of modern dating will be important, but do will developing the necessary self confidence and perspective.

These videos will help you to understand dating and courtship a bit better:

· I Hacked Online Dating Using AI - Here’s What Happened

· Why do women cheat?

· How To Sleep With Her On First Date

Q. What you say pleases the ear and sounds too good to be true! Can you reference other sources of men making gains with devices or other methods?

Your skepticism is understood, but asking questions is a good thing! Please check out the following interviews to see what others have done with their male enhancement training:

· Alpha M Gained 0.5" in 30 Days! My Reaction

· Talking Penis Enlargement With Mike (Totalman)

· How Matthew Gained 1.6 Inches

Please check out the following for a great selection of discount male enhancement products!


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