Male Enhancement Replies vol. 11
bestextender erection angle extender training interval pumping kegels taller Jun 19, 2024
I've been dying to know how to reduce upward erection angle(related) to suspensory Ligament... Does hanging help with that? Or what really works? Except for surgery
ANSWER: Hanging, extender training, pumping, manual stretches or any other type of length training will help to address this. Often, a high erection angle is due to having tight ligaments along with a high erection quality. Both of these aren't negatives, but intense Kegels without any stretches can create a higher erection angle.
If you Kegel, be sure to not overdo it, and use only as much force as is needed for the movement.
I dont pack a monster..but at a bit over 7 long and 6.250 in girth... the reaction is usually great..they stare...they feel a bit intimidated. the end, women LOVE IT !.
ANSWER: Your current size is well above average- especially your girth! In your case: if you were to train to achieve more balance, a brief period spent using the BestExtender would get you more length.
Does being taller matter? Does having more money matter? Does having better hair matter? Yes! Yes, people, bigger is better. But, even if you have a micropenis, it doesn't "count you out" if you're low in that one spec. You as a person, your SMV is based on a whole picture of you. Yes, some women are size queens, but they are less than 10% of women, and you probably don't want to deal with those type of women anyway.
ANSWER: In the end, you have to live with and learn to love yourself. If you're expecting perfection, you're not going to find it in the superficial details.
Making better choices as to whom we choose to become intimate with can spare one a lot of pain.
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