Male Enhancement Replies, vol.15

dht dutasteride finasteride hematoma kegeling tension trimix quadmix trt Jul 31, 2024

I've been dying to know how to reduce upward erection angle(related) to suspensory Ligament... Does hanging help with that? Or what really works? Except for surgery

ANSWER: If you're kegeling using hard contractions, this can contribute to a higher erection angle.

When stretching, be sure to point your penis downwards to maximize the flexibility of the suspensory ligament.

You can also perform Erect Bends in the direction opposite your angle- though take care to ease into this as it's an advanced movement.

Hi Baseem, I am not on TRT but I am prone to hairloss, and I suggest in terms of your hairloss, you want to look into using Finasteride or Dutasteride. They are the main needle movers in preventing hairloss, while microneedling and minoxidil help hair growth (Two different process). If you don't want to take them in pill forms, that's ok they exist in topical form (hair spray) and usually are mixed with the minoxidil, which means less side effects of course.

ANSWER: Finasteride and Dutasteride both block DHT. DHT is the most potent androgen in the body, and while it contributes to hair loss with those who have a genetic predisposition to male pattern baldness, it's also responsible for the development and maintenance of secondary sex characteristics- to include libido.

Be sure to speak with your physician or endocrinologist before opting for either of these substances.

To mine, hematomas occur and a lot of discomfort

ANSWER: Hematomas are a sign of severe overwork. Be sure to start with light force and no more than 15 minutes of tension, to test. As you master the wear of the device and increase your conditioning, you can SLOWLY add more time (and eventually, more tension).

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