Male Enhancement Replies, vol.18

advanced extender training bestextender edging prp Aug 31, 2024

I tried prp once and it hurt so much I couldn’t go through with it. Stings like hell

ANSWER: PRP is not for everyone. Do your research before considering any type of medical procedure, and please review Baseem's video for details on his experience with PRP.

I used the size genetics for 10 months at an average of 3 hrs a day. And I gained about 3/4 of an inch . I went from 6.75” to 7.5. I used the la pump for the last 2 months . I felt huge. I had to stop lengthening because i was making the wife bleed a little. Extending works you just need time under tension and patience.

ANSWER: Extenders are easy to use, convenient, and can be adjusted for any level of training. We have the Best Extender V4.0 and the new Best Extender PRO available for comparison to other brands. Both can allow for up to 22 lbs of tension!

When edging do u try to get to edge fast and do loads or how does it work? Any tips for a noob so to speak also how long are breaks i between edge etc

ANSWER: If you're new to edging, attempt to get to 10 minutes with no more than 3 "stops". From there, attempt to add 30-60 seconds each session until you get to 20-25 minutes.

Take as long as you need between stops, and you may need to pause to allow yourself to add time each session. Once you get to 20-25 minutes total, you can then focus on other aspects like hardness and precision.

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