Male Enhancement Replies, vol.21

erectile dysfunction extender tension levels fapping sleep Oct 04, 2024

Good, this wisdom is needed.
Coz of fap, many relationships got divorced

ANSWER: Frivolous masturbation can contribute to a lot of problems- to include a lowering of libido, premature (or delayed) ejaculation, and performance anxiety- especially if pornography is included.

Not sleeping enough gave me ED, I slowly managed to get it back, but then I noticed heavy lifting, even pull ups effecting it as well. I'm 42 and it's just not as strong as it used to be, it doesn't last very long as well, but as long as I'm careful and I still have fun.

ANSWER: A lack of good sleep will interfere with your hormonal production. A healthy penis gets a lot of growth hormone activity during sleep. Not to mention your well-being- if you're tired, your libido is going to be impacted.

The only thing I’m not finding is, how much tension should I be seeking in my extender. I know consistency is the most important thing but I have trouble believe it works without at least a little tension. Should I feel any tension?

You should certainly feel some tension. If you're new to extending, start with no more than 1-2 lbs.

Consider the Best Extender PRO device, which will give you an LED readout of just how much tension you're getting. Easy to use!

If you require an extender routine to get started, please see the following: Best Extender Routine

Please check out the following for a great selection of discount male enhancement products!


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