Male Enhancement Replies, vol.22

advanced extender training does size matter? penimaster pro sleep Oct 12, 2024

She’s making a lot of sense. There’s too much variation to put much emphasis on size . from experience as well

Here's the answer: Size does matter to some. That being said, there's a wide range of preferences, and factors like your hardness and your sexual proficiency will go a long way towards making you a great lover.

Truth be told, as a whole men are much more concerned about penis size than women are.


Hey Baseem! Thanks for the app. Quick question. Would you recommend wearing the penimaster pro while sleeping 6-7 hours?

We're glad you like it!

We do NOT recommend wearing an extender or any sort of potentially restrictive device during sleep! If you were to somehow cut off circulation in your sleep (picture yourself turning in bed with the device on) and you were to spend several hours with the circulation to your penis cut off, the result would be a nightmare scenario.

To download Baseem's Best Penis Enlargement App, CLICK HERE!


Bro why can i just have it on 1 hour and it started to hurt a bit

ANSWER: If you're new to extender training you should spend the first sessions learning how to master the wear of the device as well as setting baselines. You might test no more than 15 minutes on your first session- adding time (and eventually, tension) as you grow in conditioning (and length).

If you require a routine to get on the right path, please see: Best Extender Routine- Six week extender course

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