The following are extracts from Baseem's Youtube Page:
I wish that was scientifically possible.
ANSWER: It most definitely is scientifically possible! There's a term for it: Davis' Law- which states:
"Ligaments, or any soft tissue, when put under even a moderate degree of tension, if that tension is unremitting, will elongate by the addition of new material; on the contrary, when ligaments, or rather soft tissues, remain uninterruptedly in a loose or lax state, they will gradually shorten, as the effete material is removed, until they come to maintain the same relation to the bony structures with which they are united that they did before their shortening. Nature never wastes her time and material in maintaining a muscle or ligament at its original length when the distance between their points of origin and insertion is for any considerable time, without interruption, shortened."
There are many men who've added considerable size with male enhancement training, and even the scientific databases like Pubmed have evidence of this.
What’s the best cheap one on the market?
ANSWER: For the BEST budget extender on the market, you can't beat the EPIC EXTENDER. It's compact but can still deliver the necessary training load for even advanced trainers to maximize their penis size.
Is 30-45pressure to much?
ANSWER: To be clear, the 3 in 1 Water/Air Pump uses "kiloPascals" to measure pressure. For reference, 1 kPa is roughly equivalent to .2 Inches Hg of pressure. If you're new to pumping, you'll want to test out at no more than 10 to 17 kPa.
If you require a pumping regimen for progression, please check out Baseem's Pumping Course.
Please check out the following for a great selection of discount male enhancement products!