Male Enhancement Replies, vol. 3

best extender extender porn addiction size matters women Apr 12, 2024

How do i stop getting blisters when i use the Best Extender i only stretch for an hour?

ANSWER: Blisters are a sign of severe overwork! You'll want to START with no more than 15 minutes of LIGHT tension. As you master the wear of the device, you can slowly add more time and (eventually) more tension/weight.

Size matters more to men than to women.

REPLY: This is typically the case. That being said, there's a lot one can do to develop greater hardness, size, and (most important) confidence- with training being the vehicle to achieve your goals!

That seems like alot of work ,pass

REPLY: Men have (as a whole) been taught that they should respond to sex at the drop of a hat without consideration to the emotions involved. Relegating sex to a mere plaything has created a severe epidemic of problems like porn addiction and erectile dysfunction at levels never seen before. The issues on women's side are even worse!

If you don't feel the emotional connection, then don't do it!

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