Male Enhancement Replies, vol.6
Apr 26, 2024
To mine, hematomas occur and a lot of discomfort
ANSWER: Hematomas are a sign of overwork or improper wear of the device. Your first few sessions with any device should be spent mastering the wear of the device and testing out tension and time baselines. If you're new to wearing the device, it should be removed every 15 minutes or so of wear. As you gain in conditioning, you can increase that to 45 minutes.
What she said regarding porn making men anxious during sex and men rushing through sex is absolutely true. And the last woman that will tolerate subpar sex is a soulless 304 that prioritizes performance over emotional connection. You see, when you’re with a woman who is pure, you're performance isn’t really an issue, and if you're anxious and rush through sex, she's not going to berate you, fuss with you or ghost you. If a woman genuinely cares about you, and you guys are comfortable communicating about your sexual expectations, she will let you know what she likes without becoming angry or fussy. What this woman is describing is how men should perform with women who are ‘tainted' and sleep with men they barely like.
ANSWER: The best sex you'll ever have is when you're able to allow yourself to be emotionally uninhibited AND if there's genuine affection and trust there. The idea that men have to be ready for sex at the drop of a hat and should sleep with anyone as proof of their masculinity is a twisted concept.
We’re supposed to press in? Well, I’m feeling pretty good about myself now. I’ve always measured from the resting base.
ANSWER: For measuring erect length, you should measure bone pressed by placing the implement as deep into the pubis as it'll comfortable go. From there, you measure along the curve to the end of the glans.
The alternative to this is to measure Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretched Length- which is performed the same as above except you manually stretch your (flaccid) penis out and measure along the length.
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