Much more important than size
May 09, 2024
In most male enhancement advertisements, the gist of the promotions almost always refer to size (length, in particular). While developing a larger penis is a good goal, there are some attributes that are more important and fundamental.
Hardness: The chief physical complain women have about the penises they encounter isn't about size- it's about hardness. A small but fully erect penis is going to feel better inside a vagina than a large semi-soft one.
Exercises like Kegels are excellent for developing penile hardness. For maximum impact, the Kegels should be performed with a full erection.
Ensuring that you have good cardiovascular conditioning is going to be necessary if you want maximum hardness.
Stamina: This attribute refers to endurance. Being able to last long enough to bring your partner to orgasm is a sexual necessity.
It's possible to have good hardness but poor endurance, and stamina is even more of a function of physical conditioning than hardness.
Edging is particularly effective at developing penile stamina. This can be done manually or via live, prolonged sexual activities.
The combined measure of stamina and hardness is known as EQ- or "Erection Quality".
Self-respect: This is a big one! So many men nowadays seem have observed that dating has become weaponized due to the proliferation of dating apps. Instead of looking forward to a date, many go into it with a mindset prepared for potential hostility. A good number will even tolerate bad behavior from their partners if it means they get to have sex.
A good rule of thumb: If you don't respect yourself, you can't expect others to. Be careful about the types of people you may attract if you have low self-confidence! Many may not have your best intentions in mind.
Confidence: Confidence is a by-product of having self-respect, and it's possible to love oneself and be shy or inept at dating due to a lack of experience.
The BEST advice sounds like a pat answer, but "being yourself" (or the best VERSION of yourself) is always a good idea. If you have to pretend to be someone else- especially if the made up alter ego is one you don't like, then it creates an untenable scenario.
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