Penis extenders proven to work

extender study extenderz penis extender Apr 01, 2024

We here at Extenderz know that penis enlargement works! We know this from the tremendous amount of feedback from men who've been using extender type devices for over two decades now.

We also know that the male enhancement industry is one where many promises are made- and not all of them have adequate back up.

We'd like to share data on formal studies which have been done on men who've added size to their penises using extenders.

Penis Extender Effectiveness Study

The study was conducted on patients who presented themselves to the authoring doctor's establishment after complaining of "short penis".

Patients' penises were measured stretched flaccid and also in circumference (girth). The subjects of the experiments were instructed to train 4 to 6 hours per day with the extender for 2 weeks, then the duration for day was increased to up to 9 hours a day up to the end of the third month. Tension on the extender device was also increased during determined intervals.

Subjects were remeasured at the end of the 1st and 3rd months to compare to the baseline.

Results of the extender study

For the experiment, 23 men with an average age of 26.5 participated. The results are as follows:

‧ End of 1st month:

Flaccid penis length average increased from 8.8 cm to 10.1 cm

Stretched penis length average increased from 11.5 cm to 12.4 cm

‧ End of 3rd month:

Flaccid penis length average increased to 10.5 cm

Stretched penis length average increased to 13.2 cm

Circumference of the penis glans increased on average by 1.5 cm
at month three.


Due to the relatively small sample size, researchers recommended further research. That being said, the experiment did show there were significant measurable average gains made with the extender.

Note: More than one positive study has been conducted on the effectiveness of extenders at adding penis size.


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